COOLER CLImates Pilot Program

The COOLER Climate Leadership Institute gives UNC faculty, students, and local community groups an opportunity to make a difference and build climate change resilience. 

Join us for our pilot program in 2024-2025!

Applications due September 2, 2024!!

What is it?

The COOLER Climate Leadership Institute (COOLER-CLImates) is a pilot program for UNC students, faculty, and local community groups interested in building climate resilience. 

It is designed to:

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” 

 - Jane Goodall, Scientist and Activist

To stay up to date with our activities and announcements, join our monthly newsletter!

How do I get involved?

COOLER-CLI is aimed at building a learning ecosystem by bringing UNC students and faculty together with community groups on projects that build climate resilience. 

Climate resilience refers to our ability to cope with, respond to, and mitigate the impacts of climate change


COOLER aims to prepare students for the workforce by arming them with the skills needed to work with stakeholders around issues related to climate change and resilience.

Check out the student page!


 COOLER is working to prepare faculty to integrate climate change topics and themes into their courses.

Check out the faculty page!


COOLER connects with community members and community groups on topics that align with their interests and expertise to help build climate change resilience

For more information go here!

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Addressing climate change means working together across diverse sectors and communities to bring together all of the expertise, skill sets and visions that we have at our disposal. Most importantly, it means supporting young people as they navigate a future that may look very different from what it does today or in the past. 

Goals and Objectives

Build Community 

COOLER works with groups throughout the Northern Colorado area to build community and strengthen climate change resilience.

Grow Leadership Capacity

COOLER prepares students to work with community groups by building student self-efficacy, learning professional skills needed to work in climate change resilience, and supporting UNC faculty in finding ways to bring discipline-specific expertise to help students and community members address climate change challenges in the community.

Facilitate Ecosystem Networking

COOLER provides opportunities for students, faculty, and community to meet and work with community groups at events or on projects related to climate change resilience.