Community Organizations

The challenges of climate change and learning to live sustainably will permeate all aspects of our lives

COOLER-CLImates is a pilot program aimed at bringing together University of Norther Colorado (UNCO) students and faculty, and local community organizations to build climate change resilience. 

Apply to participate the COOLER-CLImates Community Organization Cohort. The cohort will run from September 2025 through April 2025. Our first workshop is in-person on Saturday, September 14th in Greeley, CO. At this workshop you'll get to interact with representatives from other community organizations, and UNCO students and faculty. We'll explore: 

After this workshop, meetings will continue through April in a virtual format until the final in-person meeting (April 21st). 

COOLER-CLImates cohort participants from community organizations MAY receive an honorarium of UP TO $800 for their participation. The honorariums will be provided on a need basis, which should be indicated in the application.

Applications due September 2, 2024!


The COOLER CLImates (Climate Leadership Institute) is a pilot program that brings together students, faculty, and community organizations in the Greeley, CO region on topics that align with disciplinary interests and climate change resilience. The goal of the program is to provide support for these groups so that they may work together and collaborate on projects that both fit their interests/needs and help address climate change resilience in the region.

COOLER-CLImates is designed to:

COOLER-CLImates first program will begin in September 2024. In addition to hosting current UNCO undergraduate students and faculty as program participants, we seek to include participants who represent community-serving organizations working in or near Greeley, CO. We anticipate inviting up to 9 representatives from community organizations to be included in this cohort program.  

What will you do as a COOLER-CLImates participant?

Professional Development & COOLER Community events

In addition to the core sessions of the Cohort Meetings, there will be opportunities for CLImates participants to engage in events that are open to the broader COOLER community, such as:

Cohort Meetings

This cohort program will include:

Team Projects

Representatives of community organizations will have the option to work with student and faculty teams on collaborative projects related to climate change resilience, and climate justice and or sustainability. 

Some example projects: 

Completion Requirements

Expected time commitment and compensation

The expected time commitment is about 15-30 total hours (2-4 hours/month) to attend meetings and complete work for the program. A total stipend of $800 is offered ($400 paid out in December and another $400 in April) to help support the participant's time investment in the program and their ongoing climate resilience efforts. Participants will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of the COOLER-CLImates cohort program.

COOLER CLImates Community Organization Cohort Meeting Schedule

Fall Semester 2024

Mondays 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Spring Semester 2025

Mondays 4:00 - 5:00 pm 


Applicant represents a mission-driven community organization in Northern Colorado that is involved or interested in climate change and climate change resilience activities. 

We use the term "organization" loosely to consist of: 

We define climate readiness as activities and processes that help people and places become prepared and ready for future climate change. Similarly, climate change resilience is about developing the capacity within people and places to withstand climate change and develop strategies to thrive. Examples of activities that organizations may be working with include providing support for displaced people, monitoring local environmental change, and planning development of urban areas. 

Anyone with a passion for working collaboratively with the broader community, faculty, and students on climate change issues.

If you feel that your project is a good fit for this cohort program, but it does not fit neatly into one of the noted administrative categories, please reach out to us to ask about your eligibility.

About Us

COOLER (Community Collaboration and Learning for Climate Resilience) is an NSF-funded project (Award #2228170) aimed at building a learning ecosystem around climate change resilience in Northern Colorado. This planning grant supports the development of trans-disciplinary climate change curricula, as well as connections between UNCO students and faculty with community groups on projects that build local climate change resilience.


Please contact us with questions!
Dr. Cindy Shellito, Prof. of Meteorology and COOLER Project Lead: lucinda.shellito(a)